Together with Mitchel Weber we created these nice items for branding the office in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. In short terms: how to make this? Say you choose a dozen pictures as base material can be used at different items. Some of the pictures can be applicable in the office environment. The pictures do have a similar display of thé companies activities. Like energy, automation and environment in this example. Photos / pictures are the base together with the company logo. The company pictures can be used on the website and other printed items.
To creatie a nice working space you can use the possibilities of printing technology. Together with a (wall) frame and mounting your logo on the wall your brand is implemented. Less is more can be helpful to create a outstanding presentation. Your designer can work together with our expert team.In case of other events like exhibition we have some other really fantastic printed solutions to create brand awareness. Your clients will experience the professional approach. Last but not least you can add to your printed presentation qr-codes to create print-to-web options. Easy to make and we help you to brand your own codes on badges booklets, stickers and businesses cards. Step by step we make tis work!
Coincidentally Cohesive working closely together with Cprint